Acadeum Course Share

Hardin-Simmons University offers a variety of online courses through Acadeum, a consortium of like-minded accredited colleges and universities that share online course offerings. A course taken through this consortium is considered an institutional credit and will impact student grade point averages just like an HSU course.

View Approved Online Consortium Course Offerings

Students must click the link, sign up for an account using their HSU student email, and select the pre-approved course for registration. In the comments section, enter your reason for needing to take the course through Acadeum. Please note: All registrations are still dependent on HSU approval on a student-by-student basis. If you have any questions please email the Office of the Registrar at

How it works:

  1. Working with your advisor, you find and register for an online Acadeum course to add to your schedule.
  2. HSU reviews your registration request. If approved, HSU enrolls you in the class, applying the course to your tuition block or billing you if the tuition block does not cover the course. You receive information needed to access the course. (If your request is not approved, you will be notified and given the opportunity to provide additional information.)
  3. You complete the course, and the grade transfers back to Hardin-Simmons.

How much does an Acadeum course cost?
For part-time students, Hardin-Simmons’s per-credit-hour tuition rates and fees apply. For full-time students, undergraduate courses are included in the block tuition rate, though some course sections may have a substantial course fee. (Check your bill or with the Office of the Registrar to see whether a course fee applies.)

Can I drop an Acadeum course I have enrolled in?
Once enrolled in the Acadeum Consortium course, contact the Registrar’s Office to make a change to your enrollment. No refunds will be made after the Teaching institution’s final drop date for the course — which may differ from HSU’s refund schedule.

Will the Acadeum course appear on my Hardin-Simmons transcript?
When a student takes a consortial course through Acadeum, the course grade and credit are transcribed on the Hardin-Simmons University transcript.

How do I find out about required course materials?
Each Teaching institution will place a link to their bookstore in the welcome letter sent to the student once the enrollment request is approved.  Required learning materials should be posted in the Teaching Institution’s Learning Management System (LMS), and students should view them when they log in to the LMS. It is important that students pay careful attention to the letter with login information, sent from the Teaching Institution to the student’s HSU email account, and make preparation to participate in the course with all necessary course materials.

What counts as course attendance for a course taken through Acadeum?
When a student drops, withdraws from, or fails a Teaching Institution course, the Teaching Institution will inform Hardin-Simmons of the student’s Last Date of Attendance, which is the last date that the student:

  • Participated in a discussion board about academic matters,
  • Emailed the professor to ask a question about the academic subject matter studied in the course, or
  • Submitted an academic assignment or exam.

Merely logging into the Teaching Institution’s LMS without active participation does not count as academic attendance.

When will I see my course grade?
Within the consortium, the Teaching Institution will send the grade to Hardin-Simmons University to be recorded on the student’s transcript at HSU. These grades will be submitted via the Acadeum Consortium secure platform. HSU will post the grade, typically within ten business days of the end of the course, and the student may review it in the Student Self-Service portal.

Will my grade count as part of my Hardin-Simmons GPA?
Yes. Grades taken through Acadeum will count just like a course taken at Hardin-Simmons or through the corsortial arrangement that HSU has with ACU and McMurry University.

Suppose I am unable to complete my course on schedule — is an Incomplete Grade ever an option?
Professors at Teaching Institutions may grant Incompletes to Hardin-Simmons students in accordance with their internal policies on incompletes, including the length of time before the Incomplete grade converts automatically to a failing grade. The Teaching Institutions will notify HSU of the Incomplete and its duration.